How to Get Your First Client as a Graphic Designer


Starting off as a beginner graphic designer can be challenging, especially when it comes to attracting clients. In this blog, we will discuss practical ways to get your first client as a beginner graphic designer without relying on platforms like YouTube or podcasts.

By implementing the strategies mentioned here, you will increase your chances of finding potential clients and building a successful career in graphic design.


Niche Down

As a beginner graphic designer, it is essential to narrow down your focus within the field of graphic design.

There are various types of graphic design, such as UI/UX designs, logo designs, thumbnail designs, and poster designs. By selecting a specific niche, like product packaging design, you can target your clients and showcase your expertise in that area.


Create a Targeted List of Startups

Research and create a list of at least 20 startups that align with your targeted niche. Start with startups that are in their beginning stages, as they are more likely to be open to working with beginner graphic designers.

Ascend the list by prioritizing startups that are a perfect fit for your skills and expertise. By reaching out to these startups and showcasing your designs, you can establish potential clients.


Utilize Discord and Online Communities

Discord and online communities are often underrated when it comes to finding clients. Participate in design-related workshops, join relevant communities, and connect with like-minded people and potential clients.

These platforms provide an opportunity to network and build connections that can lead to client collaborations.


Establish an Online Presence on Social Media

Building an online presence on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Behance is crucial for attracting clients. While a professional website is not necessary initially, creating a portfolio on Behance can showcase your work effectively.

Actively engage with like-minded individuals, follow CEOs and founders of companies related to your niche, and build connections through meaningful comments and interactions.


Provide Value through Comments

When commenting on posts related to your niche, make sure to provide valuable insights and information. Engage with creators, CEOs, and companies by offering helpful suggestions or showcasing your knowledge.

This not only establishes your expertise but also increases your visibility and chances of being noticed by potential clients.


Find Mistakes in Existing Designs

Take the initiative to find mistakes in existing designs and reach out to the respective companies.

By pointing out the mistakes and offering your design solutions, you display your attention to detail and problem-solving skills. This proactive approach can lead to potential client collaborations and opportunities.


Outreach with a Creative Approach

When reaching out to potential clients, be creative and showcase your designs in a unique and memorable way. Instead of a generic email, consider sending a creative mail or message that stands out.

Demonstrate your creativity and smart mindset through your outreach efforts, and you will increase your chances of getting a response and securing your first clients.

Also, read – How to become a graphic designer


Consistency is Key

The key to finding clients as a beginner graphic designer is consistency. Implementing these strategies regularly and following a timetable will yield better results.

Dedicate specific days of the week for client outreach and engagement. By maintaining a consistent presence and actively reaching out, you will gradually build your client base and increase your chances of success.



Getting your first client as a beginner graphic designer may seem challenging, but with the right strategies, it is achievable.

By narrowing down your niche, targeting startups, utilizing online platforms, and providing value through comments and outreach, you can attract potential clients and kickstart your graphic design career. Remember to stay consistent and proactive, and success will follow.


Hope you enjoyed reading this article.

And if you have any suggestions or queries in mind feel free to ask me in the comments.

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